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[China 's new offshore oil seismic exploration and acquisition equipment for the first time the success of the test]
Release date:[2017/10/31] A total of reading[1605]

Xinhua News Agency, Hefei, October 29 (Xinhua Xu Haitao) reporter learned from the China University of Science and Technology, the school Professor An Qi, Cao Ping associate professor of the recent offshore oil seismic exploration system in China's industrial development process to achieve a breakthrough , They developed a new type of offshore oil seismic data acquisition equipment in the Bohai brigade industrial area test line success and complete the first sea test, to promote China's own geophysical equipment to lay a solid foundation for the process.

On the morning of October 4, the "Oriental Pearl" geophysical prospecting ship, which is equipped with the newly developed offshore oil seismic data acquisition equipment of our country, started the operation test in the Bohai brigade industrial area. For the cable sinking depth, the data recording length, the sampling rate and so on Different combinations, only 2 days to complete the successful completion of the sea test. Project team and acquisition operations company to overcome the difficulties, the successful collection of about 160 km seismic data, complete the sea trial outline requirements.

It is understood that the research project under the China National Offshore Oil Corporation industrial (mine) pilot project. At present, China's maritime seismic exploration equipment all rely on imports, seriously restricting the development of marine geophysical methods, weakening the international market competitiveness. In order to change the status quo, the China University of Science and Technology College and the China Oilfield Services Co., Ltd. cooperation research, the sea test to achieve the desired purpose, to further improve and improve the smooth promotion of geophysical equipment series, industrialization and solidified the foundation.

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